Salem Witch Trials
Every moment, every day, every year in our lives we express a belief, sometimes these beliefs or belief is agreed upon and sometimes it is not agreed upon but at the end of the day it is our right to expression. The idea that expression should be limited is an injustice and a civil rights issue. This was the theme and case when it came up to the Salem Witch Trials and Hunts.
The Salem Witch Trials where a group of events that occurred because of a theory which was proven to be wrong in the end. The Salem Witch Trials began between February 1692 and May 1693. The Trials were created to stop what people thought other people were practicing, which was witchcraft in Colonial Massachusetts. The Trials were named Salem Witch Town but they sometimes took place in different towns across the province such as: Salem Village, Ipswich Village , Andover, and in Salem Town. There are two famous people during this time.
The first person had to do with Elizabeth Betty Parris. Betty was nine years old when the Witch Hunt and Trials began in Salem, she was someone who always had a role in it when the hunts first bean. She was known for being kind hearted but she grew up in a time like today where money was not stable and she had her fathers drama to add to it all.
The second person had to do with Abigail Williams which at the time was eleven years old. She lived with her uncle Samuel Parris also in Salem. she too had suffered through the harsh economic times and also had to deal with family drama. Abigail Williams would later be known to be on of the first people to lay blame on others.
At this point you are probably wondering how the two people are related or how they have to do with each other and it is simple Abigail and Betty were cousins but it was not that simple they both were the reason the trials happened in the first place. The cousins began having issues with self control. Upon realizing this their uncle seeked medical help for them. It turned out they had no issues so the questions began. Dr. William Griggs thought it had to do with witchcraft. At the time witchcraft had been taboo or banned and because of this accusation twenty people had been killed due to the cousins. Tiuba a slave to Parris was asked to help out figure if the cousins had witchcraft effects, they tested a dog to see if it would reflect the cousins actions, turned out to be false. In an effort to redirect attention the cousins accused Tituba of witchcraft along with two others, only Tituba would admit to it and would be released upon being found guilty.The other two died slow and boring deaths. At the end of the day the two cousins knew that they would have the same fate so they redirected attention time after time thus spreading the Trials anywhere and everywhere.
In closing this act that the cousins pulled off was wrong and should not have occurred. Tituba was spared sadly others were not due to these two liars. This can be reflected in our society because those that do wrong get away with everything and the good have to suffer.