Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Origins of Humans Science VS. Religion and Faith

The debate of life is one that continues to interest us, science, and religious. The debate has alot of people wondering which is more accurate science or faith. The debate also has to do with how do we establish a better government because we live in a live in a capitalist  government so which model of human rule worked is the question people are trying to figure and answer. One man found the answer but that one man has always been questioned, his name was Charles Darwin. The other person who is involved in this debate of human species an the theory of evolution is Thomas Malthus. through his time Darwinism began to develop , basically it was following the writings, teachings and theories that some tried to interpret. Darwin had many theories from many of his studies on humans but just like today Thomas Malthus and religion counter his theories and thoughts on Darwinism. Some would say Darwinian is crazy. Charles Darwin was an English naturalist. He came up with his theory of evolution after he studied and looked at artifacts that had stated that humans had descendants from a common ancestor known as monkeys. He also came up with his idea of natural selection which also involved selective breeding. After the long research he published it in a book called On The Origins Of Species. In and around the 1870s the world and society as a whole had adopted and agreed with his idea and began to back it up with research. After a long and intensive search he finally found his theory to be backed up by fossils and artifacts. At the time many people were thinking and questioning Darwin theory but one person named Alfred Wallace sent him a written piece with a proof that backed up what he Darwin had thought, so they both jointly published it. Darwin because of his work he was established as one of the most influential figures in human history. He was born into a mixed societal family.
Human evolution means the process leading up to the appearance of modern humans. The thought behind evolution is that we evolved from primates, specifically the homo-sapiens. They considered us the great apes, the study comes from studies on how we discipline people from work to writing to type of gestures. During Darwin research he found that the homo-sapiens were the first to grasp the side of weapons and tools. The brains supposedly were the size of primates. With all the work he did on humans it lead him to natural selection. Natural selection is basically how humans reproduce using their genes. The theory involves the idea that the environment you live in changes who you are and how you live. The theory also said that people with one or more of the gene He discovered can produce more than those of their counter parts. The theory of sexual selection was what really  send the theory of Darwinism off and running. He basically states that “depends not on a struggle for existence , but on a struggle between males for possessing the females, the result is not death to the the unsuccessful competitor but few or no offspring,” meaning survival of the fittest.
In closing Darwin theory has had people fighting for what they say is how humans exists.

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