Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The Presidential Election 2012

Every four years we make some sort of history and that history can come from anywhere, a majority comes from elections but what happens when history is repeated ? 2012 was one of the election years where history needed to be repeated but by who would it be ? Another question was this vote popular or electoral that would remake history and if not what would become of the United States ? Two candidates Barack Obama or Mitt Romney both had some good and some bad but which one was the less of the two evils or was there an evil ?

           Mitt Romney is a candidate who has more history with government in the sense of running a state not so much a country of which Obama had a sense when he first stated and looked to running for office. Mitt Romney was the governor of Massachusetts where he basically created a debacle of the State from his education plans to his state economic plans. He is a politician focused on factory and production jobs and money. He also is a mormon which for those who do not know means that he is part Jewish and Part christian in a sense. To catholics like myself he would be considered a sinner (not trying to judge). Mitt Romney is a person who basically wanted to turn the rich into the richest (as if they already were not) and the poor to the poorest. He said he would cut programs if he say they were unnecessary. Mitt Romney was bent on building up factories and companies that continue to pollute our environment, companies that manufacture products using fossil fuels which are some of the worst on the planet. He also mentioned things about how he had power on his side with binders full of women and how he would do all these great things but we all knew he was only going to cut big bird and let the poor people suffer. 

     It was a close call Obama coming out the winner as to be expected honestly, he always helped out the people regardless of how he has done it. He said he would save the auto industry and he did, he said he would get a health care bill and he did, Obama also said that he would get immigration reform and he got that ball rolling to. Allowing our people to prosper is the start of something new because for decades our people have been oppressed and suppressed and a state that has needed the government spoke. Ohio was the deciding factor in the election, a state that relies on farming subsidies just like New York City residents rely on housing subsidies at times. President Obama had one thing going for him that Romney did not and it was Bill Clinton, had Clinton not been so honest and charismatic Obama would have had a tougher call because if you look at the popular vote Obama really lost to Romney but the electoral college was swayed by the honesty of this administration.

     In Closing I thought it was a very close election, everything from the trash Romney spewed to the honesty Obama spoke about. I remember staying up until almost 2 in the morning watching the results. I also remember Romney taking forever to admit his loss.

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